Chapter 3c

Understanding God and Interpreting the Bible


This brief chapter will discuss the issue of how Christians should understand God and interpret the Bible—in light of theomatics and the new information contained in Angelfall. How will this new comprehension and new base of knowledge affect the traditional manner in which people have always read the Bible and understood the God of the Bible? Especially evangelical Christians. And how will Christian leaders react to all this new information? —For a discussion see the next Chapter 3d, The Great Enemy of Angelfall.

The Word "Esoteric"

Among the many people who believe and have reverence for God's Word—particularly those who attempt to interpret things literally from the Bible—the word "esoteric" is almost considered a dirty word. Yet it is a very accurate definition of what this web site represents. With theomatics, there exists a deliberate and scientifically provable esoteric system present in the Bible text. One that God deliberately and intentionally put in place. One that can be scientifically proven to exist. The definition being,

ESOTERIC: Intended for or understood only by a chosen few, such as an inner circle of disciples or initiates, i.e. information that is confidential, private, and deliberately withheld from the vast majority of people.

When Jesus spoke in parables, He was very esoteric.

"And he said unto them (His disciples), Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand" (Mar 4:11,12).

A Higher Level of Objectivity

Theomatics proves that God has deliberately hidden inside the Bible text, a higher level of objective truth, and incorporated this systematic method in order to ultimately arrive at the understanding of absolute truth. He does this in order to both hide things and reveal things. This fact will yield further revelation knowledge and spiritual understanding and consciousness of actual reality—it is a higher form of objectivism.

Because God has infinite wisdom coupled with an eternal plan and purpose, He only wants certain people to see and understand certain things, and only at certain times. It all centered around two things: (1) Faith in God and His Word, and (2) What is in a person's heart.

By "certain" people we mean those who have submissive and repentant heartshearts that are pure and honest and humble—coupled with open minds which are able to both grasp and comprehend the facts. These are the type of people who have a simple childlike faith. They are also open minded and in a certain sense "free" thinkers, yet submissive to the Holy Spirit, always willing to learn, but they also know how to discern and objectively weigh truth. They have not tried to place God inside a theological box of their own finite understanding. In other words, they are not bound or committed to some sort of systematic theology or theological/interpretive system (such as cessationism or dispensationalism).

"But he that RECEIVED seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it" (Mat 13:23).

Therefore, our present discussion will now concern how we are supposed to understand the Bible and interpret it in the traditional sense—versus how we must now understand it in light of this new information and deeper level of knowledge.

The Grammatical-Historical Method

If you were to walk into any church or religious institution where people study and learn from the Bible and ask them how Christians are supposed to understand God and interpret the Bible, they will probably tell you that in order to do so properly, we must follow what is commonly known as "the grammatical-historical system." We are supposed to read and interpret the Bible according to two things:

  • The rules of grammar:
  • The facts of history.

According to this viewpoint, the Bible is to be understood the same way as we would read and understand any other work of literature. We take words and their commonly accepted dictionary definitions, and we couple them with the recorded facts of history—carefully noticing to whom the words were originally addressed and written—and then through a process of historical, traditional, and cultural analysis, arrive at a correct definition of what the text (and God) is attempting to communicate to us. This technique has also been referred to as the "common sense method."

The grammatical-historical system is universally recognized by all religious leaders as the ONLY logical and intelligent way—the EXCLUSIVE manner God intended—that Christians read and understand the Book of books. Modern-day Bible scholars would never even consider any other method or system to be valid. In a contemporary article in Charisma and Christian Lifemagazine denouncing The Bible Code by Michael Drosnin, a well-noted seminary professor states, "The Bible is meant to be understood clearly, not to be deciphered." Another scholar states, "The Bible Code may encourage people to seek biblical meaning by esoteric methods instead of direct application of the Word."

Most all fundamentalist/evangelicals operate under this grammatical-historical premise. For this very reason, most Bible scholars (liberal and conservative) and evangelical leaders will automatically reject—out of hand—both the concept of theomatics and the subsequent conclusions of this website (see next Chapter 3d, The Great Enemy of Angelfall).

Here is the Common Reasoning

Let us quote two respected evangelical leaders.

The words of scripture are to be interpreted the same way words are understood in ordinary daily use. God has communicated his Word to us through human language, and there is every reason to assume he has done it in the most obvious and simple fashion possible. His words are to be understood just as we would interpret the language of normal discourse (John MacArthur, Jr.).

If the primary purpose of God's originating of language was to make it possible for Him to communicate with human beings, as well as to enable human beings to communicate with each other, then it must follow that He would generally use language and expect man to use it in its literal, normal, and plain sense. This view of language is a prerequisite to understanding not only God's spoken word but His written word (Scripture) as well. (Ron Rhodes)

While these statements sounds both logical and sincere, they are only partially true. They are also very deceptive, false, and worse of all—insidious. The word "insidious" means, "operating in a slow or not easily apparent manner; more dangerous than seems evident."

The problem is that this sort of reasoning erects a barrier against the sovereignty of God. It is essentially saying that God cannot (and does not) place any truth in the Bible that the average person cannot easily grasp or understand. It therefore has the tendency to squash ANY POSSIBILITY beyond a surface or simplistic grammatical-historical literal meaning. In the final analysis, it produces a mind set that is inherently opposed to any other actual reality beyond what it perceives or understands.


However, That Is Not All That Exists

What we are going to discover with the theomatics Bible code, is that the grammatical-historical comprehension of the words of the Bible—the words that we have come to love and treasure over the centuries—comprises only a limited part of the total picture that the Creator originally had in mind when He composed the Bible.

Much more exists! An enormous plan and an eternal purpose are behind everything present in the Bible. Even though God has given us the conventional means of understanding His message, there is depth of meaning present that never could be understood from just a simple reading of the text. As we saw in the two previous chapters, there is also present a numerical system or code of galactic proportions—that will ultimately unlock the deeper and symbolical, allegorical, and esoteric meanings that God has deliberately placed.

What is most significant about this assertive statement—the fact that God did this can actually be proven in a scientific laboratory according to the highest standards of mathematical science (see Chapter 2k). This in essence refutes and removes the negative subjective arguments that "God does not work that way" or "He only communicates through simple language."


Of Major Importance to Christians

The critical fact all Christians need to realize—right up front—is simply this. Theomatics will never change or contradict one single thing that the Bible says. Unlike the other "false" (apparently) Bible code (see Chapter 2p), theomatics is in full agreement with the open text. The grammatical-historical meaning of the words will mesh perfectly and agree explicitly with the numerical code and number system that God has supernaturally placed. Everything will fit together flawlessly from one layer to the next. That does not mean, however, that theomatics will substantiate everyone’s ideas or interpretations about certain things in the Bible. Much of what people are trying to take literally may not have a literal meaning at all from God’s perspective (especially the Book of Revelation).

The important fact is that theomatics will support and bolster all the fundamental and essential truths that we as Christians hold dear and sacred. There is nothing to fear from this discovery. In Theomatics II, it states,

With just the simple written words in the Bible, and their simple literal interpretation, God has given us everything we need for both life and Godliness in this present age. Nothing else is essential.

Theomatics and Angelfall will never ever contradict the clear and overt meaning of the words in the Bible. It adds nothing to the Word of God, and it takes nothing away from the Word of God. It may eventually contradict some people's ideas and interpretations about certain things in the Bible, but in the final analysis, there will never be any additions or exclusions. Just the opposite will be true. When the lights all come on, and the numbers are fully understood, all the literal words and their inherent meanings will be even more explicable and carry a tremendous kaleidoscope of meaning, a depth of meaning incomprehensible from just a surface reading.

The more you study this subject, the more you will realize the fact: theomatics can do nothing but increase your faith and love for the truth.

Yet please understand that God does not deliberately hide His truth from anybody. The only reason the mass of humanity just "doesn't get it," is because of their sinful nature inherited from the fall and rebellion in heaven, when they deliberately left their Father's house and closed off their hearts and minds to the Holy Spirit (see Mat 13:15).

The Bible Consists of Two Separate and Distinct Levels

Before we can understand the Bible and know how to properly relate to it in a God-given traditional sense, and also relate objectively to the discovery of theomatics and message of Angelfall, we must first realize that God has placed His Word on two separate planes or plateaus. The first plateau or level is composed of all the words in the Bible (the open text), along with their literal interpretation and meaning. This is scripture addressing the mind with overt content—that which is open, public, observable, done outwardly, without attempt at concealment and with evident intent.

The First Level

Everything that God wants us to know, everything that we need to know, everything that it is essential to know, totally, completely, and absolutely, can be found contained within just the simple words of scripture and their simple literal interpretation. With just the simple words of scripture, the Bible tells us, in terms anybody can understand, about the fall of man, our depravity as sinners, the need for the Savior, and what we must do to inherit eternal life. With just the simple words of scripture, the Bible gives us all we need to know about how to live our Christian lives, how to walk in the Spirit, how to treat others, how to find victory over sin. Through reading just the simple words of scripture everything that God expects of us, his revealed will, can be ascertained. With just the simple words of scripture the preacher has all the ammunition he will ever need to convince sinners to believe the Gospel, and the missionary has all the tools he will ever need in order to fulfill the Great Commission. We could go on and on. God has given us all of the essential basics. Absolutely nothing is lacking.

Taking this one step further, God could have created this entire world, the Savior could have come and died and gone back to heaven, the Church consummated, the Gospel having reached the nations, and God's entire plan for this world been accomplished, until the closing gong of history, and all of this could have taken place without anyone ever knowing about the existence of theomatics (or details pertaining to the fall from heaven). In other words, God could have created this world and wrapped up everything to do with history, and done all of it without any knowledge of theomatics or Angelfall—until we all got to heaven and there were told about what God had secretly done.

So the bottom line is this: none of us will ever be without excuse. God has given us everything we need both for life and godliness in this present age. The Bible is a perfect and complete roadmap to heaven.

The Second Level

Biblical Christians often refer to God as having two wills: (1) the revealed and open will of God and (2) the sovereign, or hidden, will of God. One is open and readily available to all individuals who will just take the time to look. The other is hidden and secret and known only to God. It can be "discovered" only if God chooses to step through the veil and reveal it. The knowledge and comprehension of theomatics and Angelfall, falls under this second category. Up to this time in history this information has remained solely within the realm of the sovereign will and knowledge of God.

Earlier at the top of this discussion we mentioned the word "esoteric." Look now at these statements! Those individuals who teach that the Bible is a simple and open revelation and that God does not hide anything from us (there are no great mysteries to yet be discovered or revealed), will have difficulty explaining the following. It will be very difficult to dismiss the esoteric tone of the following.

He (Jesus) said to them, To you it has been given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God; but to those who are outside, all things come in parables (Mark 4:11).

[God] who doeth great things and unsearchable; marvelous things without number... Canst thou by searching find out God? Canst thou find out the almighty unto perfection? (Job 5:9; 11:7)

He hath made everything beautiful in his time: and he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from beginning to end (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things revealed belong unto us and to all our children for ever (Deuteronomy 29:29).

And he said, Go thy way Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed [not meant to be understood] till the time of the end (Daniel 12:9).

And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not (Revelation 10:4).

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for those that love him (1 Corinthians 2:9).

...the mystery which has been hidden from ages and from generations, but now has been revealed to his saints (Colossians 1:26).

It is important to point out, that when it comes to God's children, the Lord does not generally try to feed people more than they can digest. Many Christians are barely out of kindergarten when it comes to the basic truths. The deeper stuff and "heavy revies" have the tendency to fly over many people's heads, and can actually lead to confusion if a person's heart and mind is not in tune. This is precisely what Jesus was referring to when He said the following.

"If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?" (John 3:12).

Making the Comparison

Here now is the comparison. At level one, everything we need to know for both life and godliness can be found with only the written words of the Bible. But when it comes to issues such as the book of Revelation, the book of Daniel, all the things mentioned in Genesis (particularly the garden of Eden and the mysteries surrounding the original sin), along with all the other profound and mysterious things in the entirety of the Bible—both open and hidden, none of these things are going to be fully comprehensible without theomatics because (as we talked about in the last chapter), they have been veiled within an elaborate and complex system of symbology and numerical symbolism.

That is why there are myriad interpretations, ideas, teachings, and doctrines on many aspects of the Bible. That is why theomatics sheds so much light on the subject of Bible prophecy and so-called "end-time events." Men are trying to grasp meanings on level one that God never intended them to grasp except ultimately at level two. And before they can be grasped, one must have the cipher or key that unlocks them, along with a sanctified spirit and heart. The keeper and guardian of this key is the Holy Spirit.

In all honesty, every person who has ever spent a great deal of time trying to understand the Book of Revelation must admit that there are aspects to it that are so mysterious, symbolic, and profound that in many instances nobody has any realistic idea what the book is talking about. It is absolutely ludicrous how so many self confident Bible prophecy proponents and T.V. ministries, have written books predicting in detail a future world history—the time of the rapture, the coming of Antichrist, the great tribulation, the Russian invasion of Israel and Armageddon, and the future millennial reign of Christ upon earth. When in the final analysis all of it will probably be proven to have been nothing more than a worthless guessing game (see chapter on Bible prophecy 13a).


New Wine and Old Bottles

Here are the words of Jesus.

"No one puts a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment; for the patch pulls away from the garment, and the tear is made worse. Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved," (Matthew 9:16,17).

In the days of the Bible, wine was fermented in leather bottles. When the fermentation process took place, the bottles expanded. This would work fine for a number of seasons. But after the wineskins had seen their better days, they would get old and brittle and eventually split apart, thus spilling the wine. So the new wine had to be placed into new bottles.

Our minds are like wine bottles. God cannot place His new wine of truth easily into old fermented bottles (or old fermented brains). This is why it will be impossible to impress the intellectuals and theology professors with the findings of theomatics and message of Angelfall. They are simply not in that mode of thinking—the minds are not open to fresh ideas and new concepts. As the modern day version states, "You can’t teach an old dog new tricks."

To properly come into an understanding of truth, we need to constantly erase and clean off the hard disk of our minds. Then we need build the right file structure in which to place the new data or code, so we are able to sort the truth objectively.

A short while back, a gentleman flew out from New York City, to specifically discuss theomatics with my wife and I. He had just retired from being the number one architect for Merril Lynch—hiring the other architects and being in command of their new 40 million dollar world headquarters—a brilliant man. He stated the following to me in a letter.

Few people, particularly scientists and scholars [and theologians] change their minds about fundamental issues. And the more firmly they have based their professional lives, writings, and teaching on those ideas, the less likely they are to do so—unless, of course, they are touched and compelled to do so by the Holy Spirit. The uncommitted—mostly the young—pick up new ideas and carry them forward. The people with old ideas die out.

Nowhere will this be more evident than with theomatics and Angelfall. The whole subject is so far removed from "normal" and "typical" theological thinking patterns, that it is going to require a whole generation of progressive new thinkers, before it becomes established and takes hold. Yet God is capable of making that happen if and when the time is right.

It is important to realize that the intended purpose of the Bible, and its full comprehension of meaning, stretches far beyond our lifetimes on earth and will remain with us on our journey into the heavenly/eternal dimension. In this lifetime, God only reveals a tiny fraction of the deliberate and intended truths that are present. All the pieces will come together only after we get to heaven. God is carrying out a slow and meticulous redemption process in order to shape his Body and Bride, the Church, with whom He will spend all eternity. The best is yet to come. The Bible will become the saints "operational handbook" throughout all ages to come—it reveals the character and heart of God and our eternal relationship with Him will then be fully understood.

Watching the Flower Unfold

Throughout this presentation, you are going to discover that theomatics falls under the category of inductive logic, which means that it is based upon scientific evidence and logic—not simply on a premise or man's idea of God. In relation to that, I would like to conclude this chapter by quoting a portion from my book, The Original Code in the Bible.

In helping Christians understand the true and exact meaning of Scripture, theomatics is in a whole different league than any method heretofore seen. The reason is that the procedure, when properly used, is a highly inductive process. We are just now learning how to use this tool. Everything humans believe is based upon two things: premises and conclusions. In order to establish premises and arrive at conclusions, we use both deductive and inductive logic. (For a more complete explanation of deductive vs. inductive, see Theomatics II, pp. 132, 133).

Inductive logic is generally much more objective. It is the form of logic that science uses by following a method of making observations, testing results, and then drawing conclusions. Generally, people start out with fundamental premises and then try to evaluate everything to fit those premises (the deductive method). Unfortunately, this approach is applied to much of what Christians believe. Most Christians believe something not because they researched the matter in the Bible for themselves, but because someone they respected and had confidence in (usually their parents or theology professor) told them it was true. From that point on, they tend to read and see everything in the Bible through those rose-colored glasses. Someone who has established which persuasion to follow will also tend to ignore any evidence that seems to disagree with his or her fundamental premise (or try to find a way to explain away "those other annoying passages" in the Bible).

Theomatics operates on an entirely different principle. With the theomatic method, we watch the flower unfold itself. Then we stand back and ask, Why is this working out to these numbers, and why are all those numbers coming up over there? From these sorts of observations, we start seeing where various things connect and tie together. Proceeding onward, our knowledge is improved as the flower continues to unfold itself. This is the correct inductive procedure—first observe and then draw conclusions based upon the evidence. We must be willing to change our position or ideas on many things as the truth brings in more light on a particular subject. That requires both humility and spiritual insight.

Go to Next Chapter: The Great Enemy of Angelfall

It discusses more comprehensively many of the facts presented here.