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Chapter 4eTheFOUNDATIONAL PREMISEof Angelfall
This chapter lays the foundation for this entire website. This chapter is the cornerstone of Angelfall.
As humans living in this world, everything that we believe is based upon two things.
When evaluating a premise or its conclusion, both deductive and inductive logic is used in an attempt to arrive at truth. Here it will not be necessary to get into a deep discussion on the subject of logic, except to say one thing. Whatever it is that a person believes about anything, in order for it to be true, it must first be based upon a correct premise, followed by a conclusion that is based upon correct logic that in the final analysis is both solid and objective. For a number of years the author of Angelfall worked in the field of architecture and design. A premise is like the foundation of a building. The dimensions must be accurate and the building square. The footprint must line up perfectly with the architect's plan. If the foundation is untrue or false, the building will be a mismatch. The same principle can be applied to the Bible. If we presume that something means a certain thing in the Bible, then it is so important that we presume correctly and understand the correct meaning from God's perspective. If we don't get the premise right, then two things will happen. (1) Either our knowledge will be incomplete, or (2) Everything else that is added to the false premise will eventually crumble and the whole argument will collapse. Things ultimately won't fit or make sense. The Premise of Angelfall This entire website is based upon one simple premise. To the best of our knowledge no one in history has ever seen or understood this premise before. It will literally open up the entire Bible—from cover to cover. It will change everything relative to how man reads, understands, and interprets the Bible. It should be firmly pointed out that this author has never heard of this premise before, or learned about it from any source, or anybody, at any time. Ever! Not even a hint of it. It became self evident strictly through theomatics research. This premise is so radical—it is such an enormous departure from the accepted Bible standard—most evangelical Bible scholars and liberal theologians will dismiss it out of hand. Yet we can assure you that after you examine the evidence and the data, you should be convinced that this premise is fully accurate and 100% true. The conclusion is thus SOLID. It will actually become axiomatic. The theomatics code that God supernaturally placed in the Bible, along with understanding the symbolic principle related to it—will establish and prove the premise conclusively—beyond any reasonable doubt. The remaining portion of this website will demonstrate the accuracy of this premise. Once a person gets past the initial shock and makes the necessary mental adjustments, then and only then will the entire Bible begin to open up and make sense. Using worldly terminology, this premise could be compared to "high stakes gambling." If it is untrue, then everything on this website will collapse and you can kiss Angelfall goodbye. Yet on the other hand, if what we present is true—then like a sunburst fireworks display on the 4th of July, everything in the Bible will open up in spectacular fashion; the mysteries, the unexplained questions, the deeper truths, the pre-existence question, the mysteries of the book of Revelation—all of these things will come into full bloom and the impenetrable questions will finally have some concrete answers. Things will dovetail and fit together. Brace yourself because this is going to be huge. The Very Original Creation of Man The book of Genesis records the creation of man upon earth "6000 years" ago in the earthly Garden of Eden. In the first two chapters of Genesis, there are two creation accounts given. One is in chapter one (the birds eye version). Then the account is supposedly repeated again in chapter two (the enhanced or enlarged version). Here are the verses from the first account. "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth" (Gen 1:26-28). We must understand at the outset, that the events recorded here evidently happened literally and historically, just like the Bible says they did (we have no reason to believe they did not). But look now at what this story in Genesis states, just three verses later AT THE VERY CONCLUSION of the first creation account! "And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, AND ALL THE HOST OF THEM. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made" (Gen 1:31-2:1). An Off the Wall Statement Here is something very significant that probably not one person in ten thousand who has read this story has even thought about. This account of God creating man in His image (upon earth) concludes with a profound and almost totally off the wall and irrelevant statement. "Thus the heavens and earth were finished, and all of the host of them." Why would an account dealing primarily with the creation of man upon planet earth conclude with a statement that now the creation of the heavens AND THE ANGELS were complete? In the first verse it does state that "In the Beginning God created the heavens…" But why, for goodness sakes, does the text mention God creating angels in the context of creating man? The word "host" is referring to the angels of heaven. This fact is undeniable. According to Christian tradition, God must have "surely" created the angels long before he created man upon earth. But the account of Genesis does not read that way at all. Nor does it say that. Nor does it even suggest that. It seems to imply that the creation of man and the creation of the angels are CONCURRENT. Could it be then, that this is all talking about the same thing? The same creation event? The connection is profoundly obvious, but the topics of angels and men to most people seem too distant and far apart to even be related. What we are going to discover throughout Angelfall, is that Genesis chapter one is really talking about one singular or seamless creation event. God creating man upon earth and giving him dominion over fishes, birds, and animals, is SYMBOLIC of something that actually took place out in the universe. All of the things mentioned in Genesis relates to things in the heavens. Everything in Genesis is both literal and symbolical—down to the most minute detail. We'll enlarge the discussion of some of these areas later on. Now this is confirmed even twice a few verses later. Let us now quote the entire last part of the first account. Notice the words in bold type. "Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and ALL THE HOST of them. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. These are the generations OF THE HEAVENS and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens" (Gen 2:1-4). The word "generations" has to do specifically with people or living beings. Therefore, right here in the text God confirms that this entire creation account OF ADAM AND EVE ties together the hosts (angels) or generations of BOTH the heavens and the earth. The word generations in theomatics has a numerical value of 141 x 3—the key number in theomatics that specifically links men to angels. This number 141 is specific to the creation angelic beings and it will be shown extensively later on this website (see Chapter 6c—the chapter that demonstrates this pattern is all of 300 pages in length). Here is one more verse, this time from the book of Deuteronomy. Here the unmistakable statement is made, showing in context, that the creation event on earth is an issue connected to heaven in some manner. "For ask now of the days that are past, which were before thee, since the day that God created man upon the earth, and ask from the one side of heaven unto the other, whether there hath been any such thing as this great thing is?" (Deu 4:32). Therefore, the entire Genesis account—what it is really talking about—is the creation of all the angels of heaven (or at least a certain representative segment that eventually rebelled). Adam and Eve upon earth are representative and are symbolical of the angels and God creating man upon earth is a shadow and reflection of the original angelic creation that took place way up in the paradise of heaven. God is only Concerned with Man One key fact that needs to be explained at the outset is the following. God's concern from the very beginning of the creation process was NOT the creation of angels. It was the creation of man that God's heart was after. It was man's destiny, and ONLY man's destiny, to be created in the image of God. The initial angels that were created, even though they are called "sons of God" throughout the Old Testament, never did rise to the level of being fully in the image of God, even though that was God's intended purpose for them in the future (it would required the full ripening and ultimate slaughter of the fatted calf—what that symbolically represents—see Luke 15—this will be explained later). Adam and Eve fell because they disobeyed God and tried to take the short cut. God created man, and uses the term "man" simply to describe another facet—a wider revelation—of the original angelic being and persona. It is important to point out that this expression was first introduced in Genesis. It is NOT a distinctly new and separate creation, but rather an evolvement and advancement of the original INTENT of God's master plan. God generally does not use the expression "Adam" or "man" to describe angels in heaven (see Dan 9:21 and Rev 22:9 for exceptions). The word man is only a different defining term and not a separate creation of new personalities. For those who fell, only by being born a man and redeemed as a man, is there any possibility of eternal life. Five times in the Old Testament the rebellious angels in heaven are called "sons of God" the same as those who are upon earth. Important Comment: It should be pointed out that this expression of "sons of God," i.e. BENE ELOHYM specifically in reference to angels from the Old Testament, actually means "sons of the gods" (plural). It is not an accurate parallel for the same expression "sons of God" as used in the New Testament, which is apparently an entire different concept of those "sons of God" who have ultimately been redeemed and brought into an eternal RELATIONSHIP with the only begotten Son of God. Only the First Step So the angelic creation was the very first step in God's mater plan. But a major portion of it rebelled and partook of the tree of knowledge (what that symbolically represents), and were eventually thrown out of heaven and cast down to earth. As we will soon see, the rebellion that took place in heaven was an INEVITABLE part of that process. The rebellion and fall of man/angels in the garden/heavenly paradise simply had to happen. The cross was also predestined before God even created the first being. God did not make the fall happen, but He knew it would AUTOMATICALLY happen. Sin had to enter the universe in order for God's ultimate plan to take place. It was then that God kicked the rebellious and cocky angels out of the heavenly paradise (or their own domain in heaven that they were confined to—the garden of Eden is symbolical of that conceptually), and they were sent to work the ground (or dust) from which they were symbolically taken. The failure of the angels was a miscarriage (unripe figs or early drops—see Rev. 6:13). So therefore, we see two things happening in Genesis—there is a dual parallel taking place here.
Saying all this in another way, in the Genesis account we see the following progressive order.
Again, the failure of the angels was inevitable and part of God's sovereign master plan. When God placed Adam and Eve upon earth, He simultaneously also begins with an entirely NEW PROCESS that which will complete what He actually intended and began in heaven, and which temporarily ended in failure. This is also why it is important that those who fell, and are thus born into this world—their rebellion and hatred for the Creator is so great—their memory has to be wiped out in order for there to be any possibility of redemption (for those whom the Father predestines to be saved). It is also very important to point out that in the context of God's overall eternal plan and purpose, the garden of Eden story did indeed take place before the fall of the angels from heaven. Yet the heavenly rebellion did not necessarily happen in parallel with earthly linear time (see chapter on time and relativity 8a). It is highly probable that the universe is full of all sorts of time dimensions—this is a complex area that is impossible for man to grasp this side of eternity. Comment on Men and Angels Here are some important facts. In comparing men and angels, these two expressions are indeed interchangeable in scripture. God in some instances calls angels men (Dan 9:21), and men angels (Luk 7:27 and Gal 4:14). It should be clearly understood that these two expressions "men" and "angels" are more representative of specific persons or individuals who exist in a specific state or environment in time (heaven dimension or earth/physical dimension)—rather than two separate and distinct creations of unlike/dissimilar beings. Angels are people just like you and me (see Hebrews 13:2). God throughout the Bible refers to both men and angels as "sons of God." There is no fundamental difference between men and angels. That is an evangelical fallacy (similar to the heresy of dispensationalism that tries to radically divide and pigeonhole everything in the Bible). Obviously, there is a whole class of angels mentioned in the Bible that do God's bidding and minister to the heirs of salvation (Heb 1:14). These angels are unfallen and serve God around His throne in the heavenly/spiritual dimension. The blood of Jesus was necessary for their eternal salvation as well (another subject that would require further discussion). The fallacy is that Bible scholars have simply assumed that virtually all angels mentioned in the Bible are of a unique classification, thus completely severing them from mankind. Yet in reality, the Bible definition on all this is extremely broad and angels can exist in a whole spectrum of diverse and distinct environments, from the highest ranking "archangel" in heaven and servant angels, to fallen angels of all sorts including mankind, to the lowest rank of demons. Let us not forget the fact the Bible teaches that the original sin did not begin on earth. It all began way up in heaven. This is the watershed fact. At this juncture, two critical and vital things need to be explained that will no doubt raise immediate questions in people's minds as to how all this Adam/angels/us thing fits together. This concerns (1) The animals in Genesis and (2) the male/female principle. 1) The Animal Kingdom As we just read, "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth… Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth" How could this possibly relate to the angels of heaven? The answer is simple. All of this is deeply symbolic. Even though God created biological fishes, and birds, and animals upon earth—these things all represent deep spiritual concepts—heavenly concepts to be precise. Much more will be discussed on this later. Here is a brief explanation. The very first thing God commanded Adam to do, was take dominion over the fishes of the sea. Please stop and think about this for a second. What a ridiculous statement to take literally! It is impossible for man to rule over literal fishes in a literal sea. Man can farm cattle or other creatures, but the marine life in the ocean is not dependent upon man for anything. No person has control over the fishes of the sea. In fact, if the human race was annihilated, ocean life would continue perfectly well on its own, indefinitely (thank you very much!) In recent years, biologists have found dozens of new life forms and creatures in the sea that no one even knew existed before. So the point here is this. What God told Adam has nothing to do with man controlling literal fishes in a literal sea! It must certainly have a deeper spiritualized interpretation. This is one place where a sole grammatical or literal interpretation by theologians does not make any sense whatsoever. It would be absurd. If we study the NATURE of the fishes, of the birds, and the beasts throughout the Bible, there are literally volumes of truth relative to man having dominion over these things. The beasts of the earth represent the earthly plane. The fishes and sea concern things below the earth. The birds represent heavenly concepts. Here is one example. The sea or the depths of the sea have to do with the purposes and intents that are in our hearts. "The purposes in the heart of man is like deep water; but a man of understanding will draw it out" (Pro 20:5). Waters in Scripture speak of the depths our soul or being, the deepest purposes that reside in a man's heart. Fishes in the sea were the first thing God told man to take dominion over. Fishes that swim through the sea have to do with our thoughts (all kinds of fishes = all kinds of thoughts), the ideas or concepts that swim through the purposes in a man's heart. Fishes are also symbolical men and all humanity. Jesus told Simon Peter and His disciples that He would make them "fishers of men." So in essence, fishes comprise both man and his thoughts as a spiritual being. An interesting fact, is that all man really is (if you snuffed out his physical body), is thoughts. As the old philosophical proverb would say, "I think because I am"—or as others would put it, "I am because I think." In the second verse of the Bible, it states that darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters" (Gen 1:1). All of this has to do with the rebellion in heaven of the angels and the horrendous darkness that was in the depths of their being. God separating the waters above the firmament from the waters bellow and collecting them into seas (Gen 1:6-10), represents man's rebellious and lower thoughts being separated from God's pure heavenly thoughts. This heavenly rebellion is what caused the devastation of the earth between the first and second verses of Genesis, which the Bible says was "without form and void." This is the reason for the Genesis creation process. After the rebellion of the angels, God had to start all over again when he created man upon this earth (as well as using the Genesis account to reflect what had happened in the past). But again, God was in no way caught by surprise. All of it was part of His master plan. His heart from the get go was after just one thing—a permanent and lasting eternal relationship with man. So when God told man to take dominion over the WILDLILFE, this not only has to do with biological animals on planet earth, it also contains symbolic meanings—they represent man controlling his thoughts, his instincts, and his aberrant nature. Look at this verse in the book of James. "For every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and of things in the sea, is tamed, and hath been tamed of mankind: But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison" (James 3:7,8). And in the book of Job, these words. "But none saith, Where is God my maker, who giveth songs in the night; Who teacheth us more than the beasts of the earth, and maketh us wiser than the fowls of heaven?" (Job 35:10,11). Again, the beasts or animals of the earth, the birds which fly through the heavens, the fish of the sea—all of these things contain volumes of truth. They are symbolical of spiritual matters and God teaching us eternal truths. There are realms of truth here, issues and matters that no one has even thought of yet and which evangelical Bible scholars have no knowledge. All of it relates to mankind (and the angels) having control over their thoughts, their instincts, their passions, their beastly nature, the things that motivate them and come from their hearts. This is indeed a vast subject that much is waiting in the wings to be revealed concerning. And ultimately, the angels failed to take dominion over these instincts and their hearts became evil and corrupt. That is when God rounded them up and kicked them out and sent them from the heavenly paradise. They failed to manage the garden of the soul, and were actually deceived by one of the beasts that was supposed to be under Adam's dominion. All of this also relates to the image of the beast and mark of the beast in the book of Revelation (see also Romans chapter one, vs. 18-32). Important Comment on the "third part": It should be pointed out that not all the angels in heaven rebelled. Only the "third part" were cast out (See Rev. 12:4). A greater number remained faithful to the Creator and they are our brethren (see Rev. 22:8.9). We will be reunited with them in God's full redemption program as described in Luke 15 in the story of the prodigal son. This parable that Jesus gave is all about the bad angels who demanded their independence and left the Father's house and "sinned against heaven," and the older more mature angels who remained loyal. The expression "third part" may not necessarily be numerical (like splitting a pie into thirds). It could contain symbolical meaning as it applies to some aspect of the whole that fell. Theomatics evidence seems to indicate that the expression "the third part" represents the ability of mans' spirit to communicate spiritually with God, which was lost when that part of man's being fell. Again, the expression is not necessarily a numerical split or dividing of a population. Also, the expression "third part" contains another meaning as well. God's number of completeness all through the Bible is the number 3 (also 7 expresses completeness as well). All through the Bible it takes three of something to complete something (there is a further discussion on this in chapter 6i). Two lines cannot enclose anything, but three lines form a triangle and an enclosure. When the third part of the angels fell, the complete enclosure collapsed—God's purposes in creation and man's relationship to God fell apart. All through revelation the third part of everything falls apart due to sin and rebellion. It should also be pointed out that the demons or demonic realm represents the very worst class of the fallen angels—those individuals that are beyond repair and apparently have no hope of redemption. It is a very great mystery as to who and what demons are. 2) The Male/Female Principle Now we come to the second issue. How does one explain man created as "male and female?" How does one explain "be fruitful and multiply?" How do those things relate to the angels of heaven? Doesn't the Bible clearly teach that angels are sexless? Throughout this website we will be talking extensively about the male/female principle. These are not only biological concepts, but spiritual as well. The spiritual concepts of male and female are what hold the entire universe together. It is one of the most important concepts in the entire Bible. It is somewhat similar to the law of gravity that causes suns and planets to have a balanced relationship. In theomatics, MALE AND FEMALE = 390 THE HEAVENS = 390 Earthly Adam and earthly Eve represent symbolically the spiritual male and spiritual female characteristics and attributes within the persona of each individual angel. The Bible makes it explicitly clear that there is no such thing as men angels or women angels in heaven. Nor is there marriage in heaven (Mat 22:30 and Mark 12:25). Angels are neuter beings that comprise BOTH male and female characteristics (see addendum at bottom for further discussion on this). When God said "be fruitful and multiply," He was talking about much more than biological reproduction and babies being born. Biological reproduction was indeed in view for earthly Adam and Eve. Spiritual and eternal fruitfulness is what was ultimately in view for the angels of heaven. Filling the earth is representative of filling the cosmos (or universe) with the reproductive glory and attributes of God. All through the Bible the expressions "fruitfulness" and "multiplying," speak of much more than sexual reproduction. Many times in the Bible, these two expressions are speaking concerning spiritual matters and have nothing to do with sex. Furthermore, it was never in God's plan that male and female be separate entities. From the very beginning God's goal was that "the two shall become one flesh." The Bible also teaches us, that "in Christ there is neither male nor female" (Gal 3:28). Again, that is why the Bible makes it unmistakably clear that in heaven there will be no sex or marriage. The male and the female will be united as one and each redeemed saint will be fully complete within themselves. "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them" (Gen 1:27). What this verse tell us, if man or Adam was created as both male and female (before Eve was even created—Eve was a part of Adam and taken OUT of him), and man was also created in the image of God, then God Himself must consist of BOTH male and female characteristics (in a spiritual sense)—within one individual God. No other conclusion is logically possible. Obviously we as Christians believe there is only one God. There cannot be a male God and a female God. It is true that the heavenly Father is presented in the Bible as 100% male. But the spiritual concept of the Godhead itself must certainly contain ALL the spiritual characteristics of both male and female. This is a very important concept—a spiritual concept—which ultimately brings everything into balance (in that sense it has virtually nothing to do with biological sex). So what God did, was when He created a man and a woman upon earth, he INTRODUCED THIS CONCEPT TO THE UNIVERSE to teach His creation eternal truths relative to the REAL master plan, so that we could understand the composite makeup of our spiritual nature and being. God's purpose here was two fold.
The male aspect speaks of our objective nature. It is the source and knowledge and truth. It does not have a lot of feelings or emotions attached to it. It is simply the hard cold facts. If you break the law you go to jail. The female nature speaks of our intuitive subjective nature. It is where our emotions, our feelings, and preferences reside. Men are not beautiful, only women are. The woman is the glory of man (1 Cor 11:7). In a wedding all eyes are focussed on the bride. She is the main attraction, not the groom. Every person living, has BOTH a male and a female nature to some extent. Again, this is a spiritual concept, not just biological. That is why in the Garden of Eden Adam was not deceived. The objective male nature knew better and simply disobeyed God's command. It yielded itself to the softer female nature. It was the female nature (relative to the angels) that was deceived by the serpent. The male nature knew what God's specific command was and it rebelled willingly. Adam or the male nature was somewhere else in the garden and "out to lunch" when Eve and the snake had their little fling. "And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat" (Gen 3:12). "And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression" (1 Tim 2:14). Adam fell when he took the fruit from the hand of the woman. He then turned around and blamed the woman for his own rebellion (his excuse was his own inward subjective nature). The Conclusion to This So the blessed conclusion to all of this concerning the male and the female, is that when God's saints enter into their fully redeemed state in heaven—it is then that each person will be fully male and fully female—we will finally be complete. That is God's ultimate and perfect plan—one flesh. That is why in heaven there will be no incompleteness or need for marriage (see Luk 20:35,36). The Second Creation Account Now we come to the second creation account that appears in Genesis chapter 2. This is where man is formed out of the dust of the ground. "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed" (Gen 2:7,8). Well, here comes a verse from the book of Psalms that is going to be a real eye opener. We saw from chapter one where the heavenly connection is made between Adam and angels. At the conclusion of that account it stated, "Thus the heavens and earth were finished, and all of the host of them." Look now at another parallel. "By the word of the Lord were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth" (Psa 33:6). Adam was created by the direct breath of God, and so were the angels. Here the second connection is made. Could it be that this is still talking about the same event? Theomatics clearly indicates that this is indeed the case. As was stated before, numerous patterns clearly show that the creation of Adam and the hosts is really talking about the same event. Again, the earthly creation symbolizes and reflects the heavenly creation. The living soul that Adam became has the same 141 theomatic pattern (see Chapter 6c) to do with the creation of the angels of heaven. This majestic pattern will be presented later (all 300 pages of it). Eve, whom the Bible says "became mother of all the living," also represents the angels. Her children are the stars. The expression "her offspring" is also 141. God creating man out of the dust symbolizes the barest concept—that the creation of living beings by the Creator came from the most plentiful and worthless material possible—dirt. It illustrates the absolute humility that we must have before our creator. It is God's very own breath that gives us our life. We are nothing but dust. It contains no life of its own. You have probably heard the expression "star dust." God likewise created the angels out of the heavenly star dust. Those who rebelled and are in the process of dying from that rebellion will be returned to the dust (or nothingness). So the creation of man upon earth from the dust—it SYMBOLICALLY represents the creation of the angels from nothing of significance. We owe everything to our Creator. When Job in the Old Testament was humbled to the very bottom, here are the words he spoke. "He hath cast me into the mud, and I am become as dust and ashes" (Job 30:19). Dust has to do with the original creation, and ashes represent the left over remains from the fire of the heavenly rebellion. This verse therefore implies that Job himself had been cast down to become nothing but dust and ashes. A Verse in CorinthiansHere is another passage from the New Testament, that implicitly connects earthly Adam with those individuals (or angels) who are in heaven. "The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is from heaven. As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly. And as we have borne the image of the earthly, so we also bore the image of the heavenly. " (1 Cor 15:44-49). Note: Greek verb for "we have borne," in aorist past tense, Majority Text. This is in lieu of the common translation "we shall bear," i.e. they yield two completely different meanings. The expression "of the heavenly" could represent many different things. What this passage is primarily indicating is that there is some sort of very involved connection going on between the earthly and the heavenly as it relates to Adam—"as we have borne the image of the earthly, so we also bore the image of the heavenly." (Note: Some people interpret "image of the heavenly" as a reference to Christ only—not necessarily the only valid interpretation.) What theomatics is going to prove is that all of this is a thousand times more symbolical than anyone has ever even imagined—there are some hidden and subtle meanings present in these verses—spiritual meanings and representations that God HIMSELF had in mind. People can very easily assume that something in the Bible means something it does not. More on the Ground The subject of the ground or surface plane of the earth, carries vast realms of meaning and is highly symbolic. Anything and everything that God creates comes from the ground. Another way of expressing this, is that the ground represents the FOUNDATION or BASIS of something (such having grounds for divorce, or grounds for a lawsuit, etc.) Everything that comes from the Creator and has life—it grows and comes out of the earth. Even the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and also the tree of life in the Garden of Eden—these too came from the ground or foundational BASIS. Yet in the book of Revelation these earthly objects are actually seen in heaven (see Rev 2:7 and 22:2). This fact proves that the surface of the earth contains a primary symbolic meaning that is heavenly in both its original and final application. It is not referring only to astrological locations. The great problem (or mental block) that many people have, is that they only see the creation of man as earthly/physical/biological fulfillment. Again, they fail to see that in the entire creation context—the ground and the soil and the dust—they all have a universal/spiritual/symbolic meaning, and they are not just talking about the physical elements of the planet. Man himself as well as the angels were created from the dust. Later the ground (or basis of fact) became spoiled and was cursed because of Adam's rebellion. This very fact goes right to the heart of the issue that Adam's curse of having to work the ground—this means very simply that after the fall, man is now relegated to only understand the natural or physical realm, and can only comprehend a literal interpretation of things—he is devoid of spiritual or heavenly understanding (see John 3:12). TO WORK THE GROUND ALSO MEANS THAT YOU ARE NOW RELEGATED TO ONLY SEING OR INTERPRETING THINGS IN THE BIBLE LITERALLY. YOU ARE NOT CAPABLE OF PERCEIVING THE DEEPER SPIRITUAL MEANING. In that sense we see Adam's curse, right in the very heart of present day evangelical theology. The heresy of pre-millennial dispensationalism and trying to interpret everything literally according to the grammatical-historical method, is the curse of Adam. It is man toiling in the soil. And the Bible says that dust (which has no value) is what the serpent likes to feed on. Here is one very good illustration. NASA spends billions of dollars on space exploration. It costs hundreds of millions of dollars do send just one explorer spacecraft to Mars to investigate even a remote possibility of there being life. Yet if you were to take theomatics and/or any other iron clad scientific evidence for a supernatural signature in the Bible, and place it in front of NASA, or the faculty at MIT, or any of the great scientific research organizations of the world (even evangelical creationist organizations), and try to get people to even take a look at the possibility of something like this… Good luck!. You would run smack into a wall of apathy and cynicism. The secular world (and much of the theological world) has absolutely no interest in even the possibility of something like this. It is only interested in the physical/natural realm, and most all Christians are only interested in a "literal" fulfillment of Bible prophecy (i.e. Christ returning and establishing a political kingdom on earth). All of this represents man "working the ground." I Will Cherish the Old Rugged Cross The central and pivotal point, the epicenter of the entire universe took place 2000 years on a lonely hill just outside the walls of Jerusalem. "There's a line that has been drawn through the ages. On that line stands the old rugged cross" (lyrics by Bill and Gloria Gaither). Everything in the old universe and angelic order, ends at Calvary. Everything begins anew three and one half days later at an empty tomb. Just before Jesus went to the cross, He uttered these words, referring to His own death when He surrendered His life to the Father. "Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal" (John 12:24,25). God creating man upon earth is simply the closing of one chapter in the history of the universe and the opening of another chapter. It is the closing out of the old created angelic order that fell, and the introduction of a whole new SPIRITUAL and ETERNAL basis of relationship between God and man. Finally. Conclusion This discussion has been very brief. There is not a single verse in the entire Bible that does not in some manner relate to the fall from heaven and our own personal connection to that event. Once you see and understand that fact, everything you read in the Bible will take on a completely new and fresh relevancy of meaning. What this entire foundational premise is going to prove and demonstrate, is that there are double meanings and numerous symbolic overlays running all through the Bible. Again, there are issues and symbolism present that Bible scholars have never seen or understood. All of it is very complex and multi-faceted. Chapters could be written on numerous of the subjects alluded during this discussion here. The theomatics data involved in all of this is very complex. This fall from heaven is the solemn truth that all of us are going to have to face. It explains all the wickedness and evil and everything happening in this world. It explains how we got placed on this earth in the first place, and why all of us are born sinners. We were cast down here in rebellion. It explains why the souls of the vast majority of humans will eventually end up lost eternally and ultimately be destroyed in the lake of fire (which is probably symbolical as well, i.e. not an actual lake of literal fire). God took each person individually through a time tunnel into the space/time dimension of planet earth (see chapter 8a on time and relativity), where all of our specific memory was apparently wiped out and lost, and we are thus born as little babies into this world, only awaiting eternal death at the conclusion of our lives. For those who do not know Christ, there is no hope beyond the grave. God's purpose of doing things this way, is to form a brand new creation from the residue of the fall, and to finally have a people and a bride with whom He can have an eternal lasting relationship with. Like a caterpillar that goes into a cocoon and eventually comes out a beautiful butterfly, the time we spend upon earth—as Christians—is our metamorphosis process (2 Cor 3:18). Man has no direct knowledge of his pre-existence or rebellion. We simply act out on earth what is IN OUR NATURE AND HEART that we inherited from Adam's fall. All of it has been predestined. This is our final judgment call. We will be lost forever apart from three things. Repentance, faith in Jesus, and God's saving grace. The only thing that saves us is our faith. And even that is a gift from God. "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the GIFT of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast" Eph 2:8,9). Addendum: Some Additional Comments and Questions Here we have barely begun to introduce some of these concepts. This is simply setting before you the foundational premise that everything hinges on and everything will be based and built upon. It is important to point out the fact that God does not and cannot redeem fallen angels. Only man can be redeemed. That is why we could never have been saved in our angelic state. We had to be born into this world; then God Himself, through Jesus, had to become a man in order to redeem man. That is why these next verses in Hebrews are some of the most important in the entire Bible. God has superceded angelic nature with human nature. The entire chapter one of Hebrews discusses this changeover. "Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they" (Heb 1:4). "For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham. Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people" (Heb 2:16,17). God started a whole new basis of relationship with His creatures when He called forth Abraham, who by faith became the "friend of God"—an entirely different basis of relationship than the old order which existed under angelic law (that is what Mr. Sinai represents). None of the created beings were allowed to touch the mountain or see the face of God. This fact is very significant. More on Angels and Sex Looking again at this issue, some Bible scholars may still raise the stubborn objection, "Where does the Bible say that angels comprise both male and female? Doesn't the Bible clearly indicate that angels are totally sexless?" The problem here, is that scholars are trying to take everything literally by only perceiving male and female as biological concepts. As has already been stated, that is only part of the truth. The male/female is primarily a spiritual concept that has everything to do with our psychological and intellectual makeup as created beings—how we understand, relate, and react to everything (including our Creator). That spiritual aspect is the part that people just don't understand. And that is the main thing in Genesis that God IS REALLY THINKING ABOUT when it comes to male and female (the biological aspect or the fact that some people are born men and some women and we all breed, is just the visible outcropping and carry-over of the spiritual principle). Getting back to the original question, it should be pointed out that the original angels (and demons), as far as their original created state, are indeed "sexless," and for the most part male. In fact the angelic "sons of God" in Genesis 6, desired to corrupt the daughters of men, which indicates they must have been male. These "male" angels were somehow able to "bridge the gap" and have sex with human women and produce the nephilim, which were weird convoluted giants. Because of that strange mixture, God had to completely destroy the human race and that is why God commanded Noah to build the ark. The female aspect is something that God had in mind from the very beginning of the creation process (so the male would not be alone but made complete), but the female concept as a help-meet or counterpart to the male apparently was never introduced to the cosmos until Genesis. In the old angelic creation, only pure male existed experientially and it was very much alone and incomplete, and lacking in the subjective and softer nature of love and having deeper feelings. God could never have a proper relationship with His creatures until they comprised BOTH male and female and the two came together as one based upon God's divine order. In that sense that is why the "one flesh" is spiritual, and not just to do with earthly marriage. Also, that is why the angels that fell were primarily male. So that is the major reason why God's heart is set only on the creation of man as His ultimate objective, only man is pure male and female (in Genesis 5:1 it says that "he called THEIR name Adam" or "man"). So in that sense the expression "one flesh," is talking about two spiritual natures becoming one (not just two individual and separate people in co-habitation). However, it is important to point out that invariable in any created being, both male and female must be present to some degree. The male angels undoubtedly possessed some female characteristics (the emotional subjective aspect of their being), because in Job 38:7 it states that "all the angels sang together and the sons of God shouted for joy." But again, no one evidently understood these male/female concepts until Genesis, and God apparently never revealed theses eternal principles to the universe until the earthly Edenic creation. But the angels were still incomplete in themselves and that is why they rebelled and fell. If there is one single characteristic of demons (perhaps the worst of the fallen angels), is that they are 100% male and have no love or feelings. People who deal with exorcisms (such as Bob Larson) will tell you the fact that demons are pure male. Demons live in a realm of pure anger and hatred and bitterness against God. It is impossible for them to repent or for God to redeem them. They have no heart, no feelings. There is no love in that dimension. They are despicable. Comment: An interesting observation involves the terrorists of Al-Qaida. Almost all terrorists that are full of vehement hatred and are so full of it that they do not fear death, are men or males. Although there have been a few female suicide bombers, most all rabid and insane and fearless hatred comes from the male nature. Men are inherently warriors by nature. Recently I purchased a two volume series on the American civil war. Over 600,000 men died in that conflict. All the bodies laying on the battlefields of Gettysburg and elsewhere were men—it was unthinkable in those days for women to be soldiers. The Bible clearly states that God is forever finished with the old Adam or male (replaced by the only begotten son of God—the man child Jesus Christ in Revelation 12:5,13); but God is going to have mercy on the woman and save ONLY HER and not Adam (see 1 Tim 2:14,15). That is why the Church is described in the Bible as female, the "wife the bride of the Lamb." In that eternal union aspect, God is the male (originator) and we are the female (the receptor). Again, the male/female concept is an eternal concept that is spiritual. By eternal, we mean that it is something that was not created, but from God's perspective simply an axiomatic and eternal truth. Reconciling All Things IN THE HEAVENS In God's ultimate program, man creation supersedes angel creation (see Hebrews 2:16 and 1 Cor 6:3). Yet it is very important to point out, in a certain sense, even the unfallen angels are being reconciled and redeemed, and will ultimately be just like all the rest of us. "For it was the good pleasure of the Father that in Him should all the fullness dwell, and through Him to reconcile all things unto Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross; through Him, I say, whether things upon the earth, of things in the heavens" (Col 1:19,20). What this passage clearly indicates, is that the heavenly hosts themselves, i.e. the unfallen angels, stood in need of Christ's atonement. And again, in Hebrews 9:23. "It was necessary… " let us notice the strong tone of the obligation… "It was NECESSARY that the copies of things in the heavens should be cleansed with these (i.e. Jewish sacrifices), but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices…" Here it is clear as a bell that the covenant made far back in eternity involved the Cross, and that "Before the world was" there existed some condition "in the heavens" which made a cleansing necessary, and some "reconciliation" which only the blood of the cross could effect. Therefore the Son of God became "the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world." The Cross was decreed in the Eternal counsel before ever the world was made, and the angels/man created. It concerned realms beyond our earth planet, "things in the heavens;" as well as man, and "things on earth." For Christ is reconciling ALL things in heaven (see Colosians 1:20). In the story of the prodigal son, the two brothers are brought back together again in a festive reunion, where the fatted calf is killed and eaten (more on that later). Both the unfallen and redeemed fallen angels will be reunited. The Bible clearly states that those who are redeemed will be "as the angels in heaven" (see Mat 22:30 and Mark 12:25). That can only mean that everybody up there will ultimately be the same, and finally "one spirit" with God their Creator. A far more glorious creation than anyone has ever imagined is in store. For those who have been redeemed by faith, that is what we have to look forward to. The full knowledge of the comprehensive plan of the Creator will finally be revealed and understood. |
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